Thursday, May 6, 2010

My message to you..

Hi my blogging buddies.. checking in to say hi & see how everyone is doing out there? All is well in the nest just keeping busy here getting ready for the Ocala Downtown Art walk tomorrow night 6-8.. hope you can stop by.. the streets are filled with amazing artists & great people all coming out the first Friday of each month to support the Downtown shops & have some fun.
I will be bring down a wagon full of Fresh herbs, truly amazing jewelry, new bags, antiques and will be setting our farm table with hand wrapped gifts Verbena Style for Mother's Day.. So come out & have some fun. Edie Gourmet my moms shop will be open & that is the best treat of all.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's & Grandmother's.

My message to all of you is this.. just Love One Another the rest will follow.
Blessings my friends xoxo Laura

(Website is still being worked on sorry for the delay.)

1 comment:

Prior said...

These are lovely... I'm always reminding the kids at school to, be kind to one another... Wonder how many realize I am quoting scripture to them... Lezlee